Breast cancer and it’s rehabilitation

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Breast cancer mockup

According to WHO, the incidence of cancer in 2020 was 19,282,789 cases, mortality was 9,958,133 deaths. In particular, the incidence of breast cancer in the total incidence of cancer is 11.7%, which in absolute numbers is 2,261,419 women, the mortality rate is 684,996 (6.9%). (World Health Organization, GCO, Globocan 2020) It is one of the most common cancers in women. The problem of the incidence and treatment of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland, as well as the causes of disability in women, requires serious attention, since the number of cases represents a high percentage in the structure of cancer incidence and tends to grow. Breast cancer is a disease associated with a number of factors. The share of hereditary cancer is up to 10% of the total incidence of this type of cancer. Early detection is associated with the possibility of early diagnosis and establishment of predisposition in girls to this type of cancer.For patients after combined treatment for breast cancer, an important parameter is the quality of life; it is directly related to the outcome of treatment and, in particular, to the quality and completeness of rehabilitation treatment after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and targeted treatment.The Foundation has the capabilities and sees areas for applying its efforts towards the development of early detection of breast cancer, research into the principles of hereditary transmission, and rehabilitation methods.Our experts have been conducting research for more than thirty years on the effects of radiation exposure on the body, gene mutations, in generations from people who received radiation during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during nuclear test explosions at the Semipalatinsk test site (Kazakhstan) and disasters at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants.It is necessary to continue the ongoing research and work on the development of diagnostic screening methods for the early diagnosis of breast cancer, the creation of advanced methods for the rehabilitation of patients after a complex for the treatment of this type of cancer.

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